2016 | Health and Beauty

Monday 18 July 2016

3 Signs The Baby Ready Eat addition ASI

After giving exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, is now the right time to introduce food to your baby. This is done to support the adequacy of nutrition and optimal growth. But feeding too early can lead to digestive problems, even choking. Consider the signs of the child is ready to eat, as shown below.

Grabbing food and Insert to Mouth

When the baby began to be interested in solid food, he will not shy notify people in the surrounding areas. Starting from reacting with the joy of seeing people eat, reach food on the plate, or grab a fork and spoon, either to play or to put in his mouth. Note this when you play around with the baby yes.

Already Can Start Sitting Position

Most babies will be able to sit down at the age of 3-5 months, but usually still need help to sustain good with his hands, had the support of parents, as well as chairs. But at the age of 6 months, the child has to develop the muscles of the neck, upper body and back muscles to be able to sit without support. It makes it easier when you start eating, because it can eat and swallow food, without the risk of choking easy.

Can Swallowing Food

Not having to wait for teething to start giving food to your baby. Usually babies who have lost the reflex of the tongue push solids out of the mouth, can be said to be preparing a meal. Note also the attitude of the baby who started biting stuff around them and mimic the way people around chewing food.

Seeing the little one ready meal has become an unforgettable moment yes. No need to worry on the food that will contaminate the mouth and skin. Just clean the Paseo Pure Baby Soft is made from 100% natural, hygienic, very soft for baby's sensitive skin, and hypoallergenic. Moreover, in the making also has been tested by an independent institution (ISEGA - Germany) and has been certified Food Safe recognized by the FDA. So secure contact with the baby's mouth, food, and eating-drinking supplies. Always give your best to your baby yeah!

Sunday 17 July 2016

Late Haid Addition, This 6 Common Symptoms Pregnant Young.

As a married woman, and look forward to baby, pregnancy signs will always anticipated. Early pregnancy symptoms also appeared to be known from a number of things, not just from the late period only. It is important to recognize the symptoms of early pregnancy so that you can immediately keep your body and your pregnancy from the start with the good.

If you feel these symptoms, you should immediately contact your doctor to obtain the certainty and proper treatment.

Implantation bleeding
One common symptom of pregnancy is implantation bleeding. Thus, the fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tubes toward the uterus. Then, into the uterine wall. When that happens, the tissue that forms around the egg, known as trophoblast, can damage a number of blood vessels in the uterus. As a result, out of the blood from the cervix which then seeps down into the vagina.

Changes in Digestive System
People who are pregnant may experience morning sickness in the first trimester. These include headache, nausea, and vomiting. Even can also cause constipation and more sensitive to the smell. But basically it can be different for each woman, depending on the hormonal changes that occur.

Extraordinary flavors Fatigue
During pregnancy, the body's blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure. The body also produces more blood than usual. And hormones in the body, such as progesterone can cause the body felt dead tired.

Mood Rising Down
Mood and mood thy up and down. Some could be offended or even angry for no apparent reason. Hormonal changes in the body can affect the neurotransmitter that can make the mood became more difficult to control.

More Frequent urination
Hormonal changes in the body can cause the blood to flow more rapidly in the body. One result, the frequency of urination be increased.

Breast Feels Pain
Please check your breasts. Is it painful or denser than usual? The sensation is arguably a bit like when you are going to menstruate. No other cause is due to hormonal changes that occur in the body.

Do you feel the symptoms above, Ladies? To get certainty and proper handling, please do not hesitate to immediately contact a doctor, yes. Hopefully this info helpful.

Saturday 16 July 2016

PMS? Caution: Do Not Use Shirt Color Red Ladies!

health-beauty5.blogspot.com - Red is a bold color and is considered as one of the colors that can increase a person's passion. Unfortunately, women who were PMS highly not recommended to wear a red shirt Ladies. What is the reason?

A study reveals that the red color can trigger a reaction in order to move faster muscle and excited. It turned out that the red color can also make the emotion and the pressure inside also overflowing. Reported by WebMD, a very strong color can have two positive and negative effects for women.

"The red color is psychologically can trigger emotional response," says Andrew Elliot, professor of psychology, University of Rochester. When wearing the red color is noticeably more excited, anxious, and active simultaneously.

This study was supported by other facts mentioned that while positive, these colors will make people excited, happy and cheerful. Negative is the passion when it appeared the flow disappointment, emotion, want to be angry, and manifested through verbal and non verbal action.

Because the results tersebutlah, PMS women who are advised not wearing red. This is because when you're PMS mood of women will easily go up and down and super sensitive. It is therefore more advisable to wear a shirt with a soothing color like green or blue when PMS.
Well, I hope this information is helpful ya Ladies.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Brighter With Face Mask Pineapple + Honey

http://health-beauty5.blogspot.com, The woman would crave bright facial skin glow. Quite often they are to be willing to do a variety of treatments are quite expensive just for the sake of the skin is beautiful and stunning. But actually there is a natural way to try Ladies. Only by using natural kitchen ingredients, you can make your skin more white.

This time Vemale will try to present tips lighten skin color by using pineapple and honey. Pineapple is sometimes feared by most women because it is considered as the cause of vaginal discharge. In fact, the pineapple has a lot of beauty benefits.

Pineapples have their uses for skin whitening and enlighten him. The content of vitamin C in dalamnyalah that make skin smoother, brighter and remain relaxed. The combination of honey in this mask will make your skin more moist and not dry. The following materials pineapple mask that you can try at home.

Pineapple mask material:

  1. 100 grams of grated pineapple
  2. 50 grams of grated cucumber
  3. 1 tbsp honey

Here's how:

  1. Mix all ingredients and stir until thickened
  2. Apply on the entire face and leave the mask to dry naturally.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, wipe the residue mask and rinse face with cold water.

Perform this treatment once a week for maximum results Ladies. The skin will be softer, so better regeneration of skin brighter and brighter. Besides pineapple mask can be used to remove acne scars, making skin color brindle, and makes the skin stressed by pollution, sun exposure, so more relaxed. Good luck !!

Revealed! Not Beautiful Face Make Looks Attract Women

health-beauty5.blogspot.com, Have you ever surprised or even had the experience of someone who is actually not beautiful or handsome, but he was so attractive and alluring. Is nearby feels comfortable at all. See it was never tired of the taste. It turns out that makes a person look lure not only the extent of his face.

Beautiful is more directed only at the visible from the outside, such as hair, eye color, body shape, bone structure, and overall physical. While attractive (lure) is a combination of physical appearance, attitude, personality, and characterization.

Even if a person is not born with a pretty face or a handsome face, he could be so compelling because many other factors. The ability of someone to care for her, enjoying her life, maintain their fitness, and mingle with other people is what makes it look attractive. So not limited to facial beauty alone.

To be someone who looks alluring in the eyes of others, what we need is not just a pretty face or attempt to perform plastic surgery in order to meet the "standard of beauty". Moreover, in order to look attractive, we need to maintain and care for the physical that we have. Moreover, bearing us to communicate and socialize with other people also be an important factor whether or not lure ourselves in front of others.

Two alluring qualities that determine whether a person is self-confidence and respect ourselves. When we've been able to have these two factors, by itself we can look alluring in the eyes of others. Just try to directly prove it.

In short, if you want to look alluring should not only focus on physical problems or outdoor display only. But also happy about being yourself and let others be near you.

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Here Causes Hair Loss And How To Overcome It

Hair loss is one of the hair problems that often occur in anyone, from children, teenagers, and adults. The cause of hair loss itself is quite diverse. Generally have hair loss is a natural thing to happen, but if you are experiencing hair loss are numerous and persistent, it is necessary to know more about the cause.

Hair loss

Causes of hair loss

Hair falling out excessively can make a person feel less confident. Most hair loss experienced by women. Here are some things that can cause hair loss
1. Hormone Disorders
There are several hormones that can of cause of hair loss, androgenetic alopecia which hormones, hormone Dihydro Testosterone (DHT), and Hormone Alopecia Areata. Hair loss can occur due to hormonal disorder androgenetic alopecia. This hormone is the cause of baldness is the most common, with a percentage of 70% in men and 40% in women. Baldness because this hormone is a hereditary disease caused by an increase in the genetic sensitivity of hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
While Hormone Alopecia Areata is a hormone disorder that mengakibtkan become bald hair. This hormone diakibatan by a disease called autonium. In this condition, generally occur in teenagers and young adults. However kerontontokan of this type will not be permanent, which means the hair will grow back after one year. There are several diseases that can cause alopecia areata such as diabetes, anemia, thyroid disease, vitiligo and persinius. In addition to the causes of hair loss in women is usually at the time of entering the monopouse, pregnancy as well as the effect of the use of contraceptives.
2. Use of Chemicals
Hair care too excessive with the use of chemicals to be one cause of hair loss. Hair coloring is all too often and using excessive doses can lead to hair damage. Therefore, peruse before coloring the hair. In addition to the chemicals used in the process of straightening hair or rebounding. The process of hair habitation for 30 minutes in hair straightening exacerbated the loss that will be experienced by the hair.
3. Effect of Nutrition and Vitamins
The cause of severe hair loss can then occur due to the influence of nutrients and vitamins. The scalp is the place where hair growth and hair roots attached. So health should be maintained with adequate nutrition. Intake of nutrients and vitamins that are less easily cause hair to fall out. Hair loss occurs because the hair that grows thin and becomes easily fragile. Therefore, the balance of food with attention to nutrition and vitamins are very important and can cope with hair loss.
4. Drug Side Effects
There are several medications that have side effects to hair loss. Among which is a drug used to treat depression, blood thinners, chemotherapy drugs, and contraception. Loss will be reduced if the drug use is stopped.
5. Equipment Hairdresser
To support the appearance in order to always look beautiful, women are usually willing to spend long hours at the salon. Though treatments using the tool pencatokan and curling bad for hair. Tool vise used close to the scalp thus making the hair roots become dry and broken hair faster. While the tool curly hair wrapped around the appliance and makes the hair roots are interested in so the hair becomes cracked and branched. Another tool that is often used is a hair dryer or hair dryer. Use of this tool is too often lead to hair becomes dry quickly and makes the hair root becomes broken so that loss occurs sooner.
6. Emotional Disorders
Loss can occur when a person is depressed or experiencing excessive stress. When someone is stressed then that will happen is the muscle nerves in the head stiffened. Muscle strained nerves in the head can cause nerve root hairs weakened. At the time of the nerve roots weakened hair loss then it can happen.
7. Too Toned Hair Meikat
For women usually tie your hair done to beautify the appearance. However, it should be considered weak or strong bonds are created. The hair is tied tightly causes hair roots interested. This is what makes the loss. If you want to tie your hair with a strong presentation should last no more than two hours. Due to a strong bond not only cause hair loss but also a headache.
8. Sunlight And Pollution
Quoted from Wikipedia, sunlight or solar radiation has good benefits for our body but it is inevitable, if it is too long in the sun can lead to various diseases one of them declining health in our hair, namely that resulted in a reduction in hair keratin. Keratin is a protein that is in the hair, nails and teeth in humans. Functions for hair keratin is to maintain healthy hair to keep them shiny.
9. Rarely Keramas
Hair loss can also be caused due to infrequent shampooing. The hair will be greasy and too humid. It makes the hair to fall out, when their sun exposure, which makes hair mixed with sweat. Then there is the hair on the scalp can be absorbed by hair follicles and cause hair to become limp. In addition, at the time of shampooing usahan not too tight rub his head. It may damage the hair follicles, because it can also cause hair to fall.

HOW TO OVERCOME severe hair loss

Hair loss is not as difficult as we imagine. You can do a time when leisure time at home. Hair loss home more secure and cost-effective compared to spend hundreds of thousands to once disalon treatment with materials that you yourself do not know exactly what it implies. Here are some ways to reduce hair loss:
  1. The breakfast, at breakfast should consume foods rich in protein, nutrients, and vitamins that are good for the body and hair. Lack of protein such as (red meat, eggs, chicken, etc.) can inhibit the growth of hair keratin. Therefore if any of you who like a lazy breakfast, good from now try to not skip meals this morning.
  2. Olive Oil / Olive Oil, to treat hair loss with olive oil is easy enough. Pour olive oil in 1 tablespoon at least 30 minutes before shampooing, apply olive oil from root to tip of the hair while massaging for approximately 2-4 minutes slowly. After that did wash as usual using shampoo to clean.
  3. Hazelnut oil, this oil for hair loss in antiquity. but now does not need to be difficult to look for it, many products hazelnut oil on the market. how to use it so easily is drops of hazelnut oil into the palm of the hand, then rubbed into the hair, leave 1-2jam he massaged gently, then wipe to clean disposable shampoo.
  4. Aloe Vera, its very easy way. You only take one piece of aloe vera and use the inside or the meat and rub aloe vera on the hair until evenly distributed. Leave for about 15-25 minutes and then you can clean the hair with a shampoo with clean water. At the time of shampooing is advisable to use running water.
Actually there are many ways to overcome hair loss, but in this way you can also do without the expensive cost and highly effective when performed routinely and regularly.
That's some explanation of the causes of hair loss and how to cope, may be useful for the readers who have hair loss problems in significant amounts. Continue to visit this site http://health-beauty5.blogspot.com and we will provide information about health berkal.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Miss V Often Itching Banget When Menstruation? this reason

health-beauty5.blogspot.com - Many men are afraid to deal with his girlfriend who is PMS or menstruating. No wonder, because women often become a different person than before when his monthly guest comes. 

In fact there are a lot of memes to describe the situation of women who are menstruating, such as "Women PMS stumble stones, stones that'm sorry" and so forth. But have you ever really feel annoyed when menstruation is not because of emotional outbursts, but because of vaginal itching? 

Often women will experience itching before or during menstruation. This could be caused by changes in hormone levels in the body that are unstable. Itching due to hormonal changes can occur not only when menstruation, but also can occur when you are pregnant, menopause or when you're on the pill.

There are times when the pads also plays a role causes itching in the area of ​​femininity. Product pads or pantyliner usually contain chemicals such as fragrances and dyes that can cause discomfort in sensitive skin Miss V.

To avoid itching because of the influence of the product, you can change pads more often or try other dressings more secure and compatible with the skin. Do not forget to always keep the vagina yes. Also avoid using soap during menstruation. 

But if the problem of itching in the vagina caused by something else some kind of fungal or bacterial infection, then do not delay seeing a doctor immediately ya Ladies.

Do Until Dysmenorrhea Knocking out your day, Consumption Foods

health-beauty5.blogspot.com  - The pain and general pain experienced by women during menses. Menstrual pain is the case generally, in the first days. Some women feel the unbearable pain that resulted in their trouble moving and activity, while others experience only mild illness but still quite disturbing.

Pain during menstruation, or medically known as dysmenorrhea, is usually experienced by many young women and young women. In addition to pain, some women also often experience cramps menstruation. Because of the pain of this, not a few of them are forced permission to not go to college or office because the pain is unbearable.

Pain, cramps or pain due to menstruation, may actually be relieved by eating some foods. Indeed, it will not immediately relieve the pain, but at least it will help women feel more comfortable in the middle of her menstrual period.

In addition to carbohydrates, some nutrition experts also advise to consume plenty of fruits, milk and green vegetables while experiencing menstrual pain. This is because, the ingredients are beneficial to smooth discharge of blood during menstruation comes. In addition, the consumption of foods is also a source of vitamin D3 such as cheese, egg yolk and fish, fisheries
Well, that's some way to relieve menstrual pain naturally through the consumption of some foods.Relieve menstrual pain naturally with the food will be better than you are taking any medication for pain relief. Menstrual pain subsides, was adequate nutrition and your body becomes more healthy. May be useful.

Brownish liquid appears Of Vagina, Is it dangerous?

health-beauty5.blogspot.com - Fluids released by the woman's vagina is one form of natural body reactions were reasonable experienced by women. It becomes unnatural when fluid emitted become discolored to a dark brown, almost black. This condition is a thing that should be watched and examined immediately because it could be you experiencing serious problems. 

Mucus from the vagina consists of mucus and fluids produced by the vaginal wall and cervix or the mouth of a woman's uterus. Discharge a cleaning process performed by the body in the area around the vagina to keep the area healthy. This fluid helps scrape off dead skin cells and bacteria from the vaginal area. This natural cleansing process is required to prevent infection. 

The interaction between female hormones called estrogen and progesterone are the main cause discharge from the area of ​​femininity. This fluid indicate the different stages of a woman's menstrual cycle so that there is a difference in color, texture and the amount of fluid that is not always the same, and depending on which stage is being undertaken by the menstrual cycle of women. While we were there in the ovulatory phase, the discharge usually will multiply. White patches that came out in small amounts can also be out, but that does not matter for concern. 

When the light brown slime, it might be due to pregnancy or the entry of women into the premenopausal stage. Usually, if pregnancy occurs, then the liquid released will pink-brown. If the conditions are premenopausal, liquid brown, pink or yellow can be out in considerable amounts. 

Other conditions that may occur is the implantation bleeding as an early stage of pregnancy, the release of endometrial tissue that has been long in adolescent girls aged just before the menstrual cycle begins or the existence of conditions atrophic vaginitis which also caused bleeding, pain and itching of the vagina, indicating infection. 

Two other reasons may also cause this condition is the presence of polyps in the uterine or endometrial polyps that can lead to the emergence of fluid and bleeding after sexual intercourse and discharge a lot of blood during menstruation, or as a result of the early symptoms of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. 

If the fluid emitted changed color to dark brown, then this could be a sign of pregnancy or the entry of menopause in women. Endometrial bleeding due to uterine wall that does not disintegrate when the menstrual cycle lasts so that the blood which comes out to be a dark chocolate because it is aged longer. Diseases that have symptoms of dark fluid discharged from the vagina among others include pelvic inflammatory disease caused by infection of the lining of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, cervix or vagina, as well as more serious cervical cancer. 

To overcome this brownish discharge lenders, you need to wait for several days to see if lenders have stopped out or not. If lenders are not being stopped out and began to show symptoms such complications arise odor, burning sensation, itching and pain, immediately consult a doctor for further handling. Handling will be determined based on the cause of the release of the tanned lenders.
·         If the cause is a sexually transmitted disease, then you should be taking antibiotics.
·         If the cause is menopause, then the brown liquid that can not be treated specifically.
·         If the uterine polyp is the cause, it is necessary hormonal medicines to help shrink the size of the polyp and alleviate symptoms appear. Curettage procedure may have to be endured by patients with uterine polyps to scrape the polyp from the wall of the uterus. Moreover, the choice of hysterectomy to remove not only polyps, but also a woman's uterus to avoid the return of polyps that can potentially become cancerous.
·         If it turns out the cause is cervical cancer, it will be necessary surgery to remove the cancer, chemotherapy and radiation carry.

To minimize the mucus tanned, you can make adjustments by wearing cotton underwear, wear depths loose, replace the pads and pad frequently during menstruation and avoid washing your vagina by touching your finger into the vagina to prevent infections that disrupt the level of pH of your body's natural ,

Hopefully this information can help you determine the cause and proper handling if found brown liquid that comes out of the vagina, Ladies. 

Research Reveals Why Can Happen Miscarriage

health-beauty5.blogspot.com - Pregnant women had to be extra careful to maintain health. Not only the health of the body that need to be maintained, but the most important is to maintain the health of its content, because nobody knew which women have a risk of miscarriage.

Some women have experienced a big risk, some may have a strong content, but just in case you still need to be vigilant. The researchers tried to analyze what factors enhance the chances of miscarriage.

In a study included in the journal Human Reproduction, researchers from the University of Sheffield analyze donor embryos and found that the protein Syncytin-1, which plays a role in development of the placenta, may have an important role in retention of the fetus in the womb.

Miscarriages can occur possibly because the embryo can not make up this protein in early cell development. This is what will affect embryonic development as a whole and how the embryos survive during pregnancy.

Even so, the researchers still need more research to find out how to prevent miscarriages because of the lack of this protein. Maternal blood tests and a healthy lifestyle is certainly also influential, and as long as adequate maternal nutrition well and always consult with a doctor, most likely a miscarriage is inevitable.

5 Smart Ways to Overcome Overload Current Pain Coming Months

health-beauty5.blogspot.com - Painful menstruation or dysmenorrhea usually caused by the contraction of the uterine lining. Because of this contraction, blood vessel will be squeezed and cause iksemi network. For this reason, the abdomen becomes very painful, stiff backs and aching and feverish body. As we know, menstrual pain is a common thing experienced by women. The pain itself can be very severe or just mediocre and the pain is not too severe or painful.

To reduce the pain itself can be easily kok Ladies. Quoted from page prevention.com, there are some smart ways that we can do to cope with menstrual pain or coming months. How among others, are as follows.

·         Turmeric Drinking Acid
Since ancient times turmeric acid have excellent benefits for health. And one of the benefits is as beverage menstrual pain reliever. Turmeric these acids can be taken on the first day of menstruation. It would be better and efficacious for pain if turmeric, tamarind is brewed using hot water and drink while warm.
·         Warm compresses
The second way that we can do to cope with menstrual pain is a warm compress. Prepare a towel that has been dipped in warm water and then compress to stomach pain. If you do not want to wet the stomach, we bis wear clean bottle filled with warm water and put it on her stomach. Currently compress the abdomen, keep you while resting.
·         Avoid Wearing Tight Underwear
The next way you can do is avoid wearing tight clothes while experiencing menstrual pain.Tight clothing can actually make the pain is getting worse and the skin becomes more prone to cellulite problems. Try to wear loose clothing and comfortable while experiencing menstrual pain.
·         Eat Foods Containing Iron
Usually, when you're menstruating or menstruating women often experience anemia and a deficiency of red blood cells. When red blood cells in the body decreases, it is feared will make the body become more supple and easier to feel the pain of menstrual pain. To overcome this, it is advisable to consume foods rich in iron. The iron-rich foods include chicken liver, red mother, spinach and many more.
·         Simply break
How smartest and most easily can be done to overcome the excessive pain during menstruation or coming months is sufficient rest. This break can be done by sleeping on his side. On the sidelines of this break, we also can while menungging or doing simple movements that minimizes the pain of menstruation.
Those are some smart ways that can be done to overcome the pain of excess current period or menstruation. Hopefully, this way helpful. If you have an easier way and impressive, do not forget to share in the comments field. Your suggestion will certainly help women who want to overcome the pain during menstruation or menstruation.

Saturday 2 July 2016

Beauty Skin Face With Coffee Dregs

coffee grounds

Who does not know the coffee? Almost everyone would know that a typical flavored beverage. But did you know that coffee grounds can to take care of facial skin beauty?

As we know coffee is one of the favorite drinks of each person who is always drunk when you're relaxed. Not just to relax, drink coffee is also often a time there was a meeting in the office. This is because coffee is believed to expel sleepiness that we experience. In addition to the delicious flavoring, coffee grounds also have a good benefit both of beauty. In fact, not a few beauty salons that use coffee grounds for facial treatments . In the United States, Europe and others also have much to develop cosmetics using coffee grounds.

Coffee is not just plants seeds - seeds are processed into drinks alone. But various content contained in coffee has a variety of benefits to the human body. Here the content of the beans:
  1. Caffeine
  2. Trigoneline
  3. Protein and Amino Acids
  4. Carbohydrate
  5. Aliphatic acids (carboxylic acids)
  6. chlorogenic acid
  7. Fats and derivatives
  8. glycosides
  9. Mineral

Coffee grounds Benefits for facial beauty

Let's discuss the benefits of any coffee grounds for facial beauty.

1. Smoothing and Facial Skin Tightening
Maybe you just know that coffee grounds can be beneficial to smooth and tighten skin on the face. Every woman would want to have facial skin smooth and taut. When the facial skin smooth and toned, you will more look young. Many women who do blooded face to get skin firmer and smoother. But now you can simply use the coffee grounds alone.

Do I take a few grains of black coffee, puree until completely smooth. Then add a little water and use the coffee grounds as a face mask. With regular use of facial skin will appear smoother and firmer.

2. Eliminate Acne Scars and Dark Spot on Face

Benefits of coffee grounds next is able to remove acne scars and black spots on your face. Acne scars and black spots is one of the problems in women could reduce confidence. Maybe you've done a lot to remove the black stains on your face. Using beauty cream was still not lost. You can use coffee grounds to remove the black stain.

The trick grab coffee grounds, then mix it with a little baby oil or olive oil. Mix thoroughly, then apply to entire face as a mask. Allow to dry, then rinse thoroughly.

3. Skin Lightening Face

In addition to smoothing, tightening, eliminating black spots and acne scars. Coffee grounds can also be useful to brighten the skin. Who would not want to have a bright face naturally. All women would want. You now no longer need to inject bleach, or use bleach creams that sometimes there are a lot of mercury content. You can use coffee grounds to get a brighter face.

You can mix coffee grounds with pure goat's milk or cow's milk. Needless too thin, make a little lumpy. Furthermore, a blend of two materials make it as a mask. Perform routine at least 2 times a week.

Actually there are a lot of benefits of coffee grounds for the face and body skin. Such as eliminating cellulite, slimming, skin tightening and many others. The coffee grounds are still very much in use in various products. Face masks and scrubs coffee grounds now many are using the basic materials natural kopi.Selain pulp, used coffee grounds also have no harmful side effects to the body.

That's some of the benefits of coffee grounds for beauty. In addition to beauty coffee grounds is also beneficial to health that can reduce the risk of skin cancer. According to a study conducted at Rutgers University in New Jersey's United States declared that the caffeine in coffee may inhibit antiretroviral therapy (enzyme protein in the skin), which is a cause of skin cancer.

Continue to visit this site health-beauty5.blogspot.com and we will provide health-related information on a regular basis.

Thursday 30 June 2016

Abstinence Heartburn

Abstinence Heartburn is a sign bahwasannya for people with high stomach acid, are not allowed to eat any menu. It is feared gastric organ experiencing this condition is getting worse. It must be selective where nice and absence.

Actually, many different types of food that should be avoided are:

Chewing gum, although sound trivial stomach turns problematic patients chew it will be increasingly in pain. Certain substances in materials candy stimulated acid concentration.

Food or drink too much gas and fiber:

Kedondong (dried fruit), jackfruit, durian, pineapple, mango young Mustard greens, cabbage Soft drink

Food affects the lower esophageal valve resulting acid liquid rises: fried foods, chocolate, curry.

Stodgy dented gastric emptying such as: cheese, cake, fatty foods.

Direct screwed wall (mucosa) of the stomach: pepper, vinegar, spicy.

Stimulate more acid: coffee, white wine, full cream milk, citrus fruit juices.


Sources of carbohydrates include: dodol, glutinous rice, vermicelli, noodles, taro, bulgur, corn.

Compounds containing alcohol: candied fruit, cassava, sticky tape.

Well, if the above restrictions are ignored, it is not impossible incredible pain accompany yourself. Talking about how to resolve the complaint, are advised to use an alternative. Because even though the chemical treatment reacted quickly, but it's not up to the source or root of the disorder. Medicinal chemistry is simply to minimize the signs of full recovery refers instead.

The other hand, traditional medicines are sourced pure nature can provide effectiveness. Various scientific studies reveal whether the world herb leaves, roots, stems of a plant has been clinically proven efficacy. The experts found a number of substances that play a role in blood circulation, stop inflammation, stabilize emotions, suppress pain and so on. Specifically address the inflammation, stomach ulcers same attack.

Modern times present a company engaged in the pharmaceutical field. Taking the herbal composition, managed to make a quality product by experts. Marketing reach 20 countries. No responsibility, management also pocketed international eligibility solely purifying ingredient blend that is always predicated top.

How to Avoid Breast Cancer Through Food

How to Avoid Breast Cancer Through food right? Here you simply listen carefully. Problems related to breast cancer is frightening women.

Therefore to get rid of that so far the day should be declared healthy lifestyle. Basically, there are factors that lead to why women may develop bad habits, namely, genetic or parental history, and carcinogens. Some people believe by eating certain foods can reduce the effects of cancer cells.

Researchers also mentioned there are foods that act like:

Varian processed soybeans for example, edamame beans, tofu, miso, soy milk is rich in phytoestrogens. National Cancer Institute in the United States detected that women with a diet rich in soya less risk of developing breast cancer compared with those who follow a low soya.

Vegetables are included in this group is known for its content of glucosinolates, the content of sulfur chemicals that cause a bitter taste and strong aroma of the cruciferous family of vegetables. The resulting chemical content can help prevent the risk of cancer. Vegetables are included in this group are garlic, onions, cabbage.

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. Antioxidants famous reduces oxidation in the body that can cause free radicals to trigger cancer.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and cabbage help prevent the risk of breast cancer.

Research results show that women who eat polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish such as salmon and tuna less risk of getting cancer.

Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and antioxidants, vitamin C, E, and folic acid. Try to keep eating fruits and vegetables per day minimum 400gram.
May be useful.


Everyone must have known snacks called chocolate. For those who never ate it certainly will feel hooked want to try it again and again. Not only tastes sweet, it turns out chocolate is also very effective for relieving stress . Chocolate is generally given as a gift or gifts at the feast. With the form, style, and unique flavors, chocolate is often used as an expression of gratitude, sympathy or attention even as a declaration of love. Chocolate also has become one of the most popular flavors in the world, as well as chocolate bars most commonly consumed, chocolate is also the subject of warm and cold drinks.

If eaten in excess chocolate will certainly make the body become fatter because chocolate contains fat, but if taken with a sufficient portion based on a count of calorie intake needed by our bodies, then the result is that we will get a healthy body is awake.

Women are also vulnerable to stress, they will be depressed even for the most simple problems. Moreover, if in a state of PMS or premenstrual, cramping abdominal pain, mood changing and also various bodies excruciating pain. Not to mention the period of pregnancy, women will feel very depressed with various kinds of mind. Whether it's mind about pregnancy they have experienced, or are also various kinds of fears pregnancy.

Chocolate is the name for the processed food or drink from the cocoa bean (Theobroma cacao). Chocolate was first consumed by the inhabitants of ancient Mesoamerica as a beverage. Actually msih chocolate taste is hard to define. Based on the book The Emperor Chocolate (Emperors Of Chocolate), Joel Glenn Brenner describes the latest research on taste. According to the taste of chocolate is created from a mixture of 1,200 kinds of substances, without any one flavor that is clearly dominant. Most of the substances it feels very uncomfortable when standing alone. Therefore, until now no imitation chocolate flavor.

Psychological effects occur when enjoying the chocolate due to the melting point of the cocoa fat is located slightly below the normal temperature of the human body. As an illustration, if you eat a piece of chocolate, the fat of the chocolate will melt in the mouth. Lumernya cocoa fat raises the typical soft taste in the mouth that makes the body becomes relaxed.

In the chocolate there are compounds that cause the chocolate flavor that feels good on your tongue for Chocolate contains alkaloids such as theobromine, fenetilamina, and anandamida, which have physiological effects on the body. The contents have been linked to serotonin levels in the brain. According to scientists chocolate is eaten in normal amounts regularly can lower blood pressure. Dark chocolate lately a lot to get a promotion because of health benefits when consumed in moderation, including the content of anti-oxidant that reduces the formation of free radicals in the body.

That is the reason why chocolate can relieve stress. May be useful for all readers. Continue to visit this site https://health-beauty5.blogspot.com and we will provide health-related information on a regular basis.


Oily skin is synonymous with dull and shiny faces. Almost the majority of women think oily skin is a problem. Because, those who have oily skin prone to acne and black spots. Apparently there is an inexpensive way to reduce oil on the face with star fruit. How is its utilization? How powerful? Check out this article that I got

Every human being has different skin types, ie dry skin, normal to oily. Human skin consists of several layers, starting from the outermost layer of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer.

Leather is also made up of a network of support, such as sweat glands which controls body temperature.

In addition, the skin also has oil glands that produce sebum so skin will be moist, chewy, and not easily wrinkled.

Excessive production of oil glands will make your skin oily.

Causes of oily skin consists of two types of fat that exist in the human body, namely blood lipids and fat depots.

Blood lipids are fats associated with blood and blood circulation follow. term HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) or high density blood lipids and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) or fat-forming low-density blood cholesterol. Often blood fats out of the body through the pores of the skin in liquid form in the form of oil.

Depot fat is fat that is stored under the skin, which can be known as the fat or lard. Someone who has a blood fats in a number high enough, do not automatically get fat.

Symptoms of patients with high fat and her hair is always oily and acne, dandruff is also risky, because dandruff is a fungus that grows on a greasy spot.


To reduce or eliminate the fat in the face could use natural ingredients which work by shrinking the pores of the skin so the blood fats in the blood in the form of oil out of difficult to break through the skin.

Material pore reducers known as astringent.

Some natural ingredients that are astringent are: wood Rapet (Parameria barbata), the crown of the god (Phaleria macrocarpa), and betel nut (Areca catechu).

Another way is to use a facial cleanser ingredients such as soap, milk cleanser and facial foam. Can also use a neutralizing fluid rubbed on the face (external use) eg: dilute tamarind (Tamarindus Indica, dilute lemon juice (Citrus Aurontifolius) and tomato fruit (Lycopersicum Tomatum).


Star fruit is believed to reduce the oil on the face. Yellow-green fruit that is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. By eating fruit lingir starfruit (Averrhoa Carambola) and kitchen starfruit (Averrhoa Bilimbi) that tastes sour is considered to cope with oily skin. Because leatherback contain lots of water and the acid so it is good to clean the excess oil on the face.

Acid on star fruit also contains many antioxidants that are beneficial for good skin from free radicals.

In addition to the niacin content of starfruit is useful for lowering blood lipids, allergy of the body and lowering blood sugar. The content of zinc (zinc) in leatherback beneficial to lower blood fat, prevent acne and prevent dandruff fungus.

While the calcium content is useful to enable the other compounds of other compounds to activate fat-forming blood cholesterol.

Sinapat acid as an antioxidant.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) aim to enable other compounds to lower blood fat-forming cholesterol, antioxidants, and immune control.

Citric acid content which can make the body tends to sour the atmosphere.


Here's how:1. Squeeze out the water until the star fruit star fruit juice, or a thin slice star fruit.2. Water or juice and sliced ​​starfruit starfruit starch added to the facial skin for 15 minutes.3. For maximum results use 2 days. Efficacy will feel after using for 2 weeks.In addition to applying to the face, the properties of star fruit can also be obtained if you eat star fruit every day. No side effects from the use of star fruit, but for sensitive skin, injured or irritated avoid its use because of its acid content will cause the skin to burn.


Oil content is also needed skin. Sebaceous glands produce oil which is useful to lubricate the skin and maintain skin moisture. But, if too oily facial skin becomes dull. The following tips:

1. Washing your face may be an easy way to remove the oil. But if too frequent washing of the face it could lead to reactive seborrhea which would eliminate the sebum, so the skin will become dry, scaly, and itchy.

2. Once a day just washing your face with a gentle foaming soap is enough to remove excess oil, while the moisture that protect the skin is still maintained.

3. Diet becomes a big problem in the problem of oily skin, because most people who diet because of less intake of food and beverages, making the skin becomes dry. For that time the diet should be kept drinking lots of water.

4. There are people who want to eliminate the oil level at all with harsh soaps that hard alkali solution. In fact, how this would lead to unhealthy skin and even cause skin more oily.

5. If you want to find a facial soap that contains no chemicals, you should avoid soaps that contain alcohol. Choose a natural-based soap such as olive, almond or avocado which has a function in the absorption and will help turn the skin and maintain skin moisture.

6. Limiting eating spicy foods to reduce the oil content in the face.

7. Avoiding exposure to heat air directly as well as clean your face with soap or milk cleanser.

8. Using the appropriate cosmetics for oily skin.