Here Causes Hair Loss And How To Overcome It | Health and Beauty

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Here Causes Hair Loss And How To Overcome It

Hair loss is one of the hair problems that often occur in anyone, from children, teenagers, and adults. The cause of hair loss itself is quite diverse. Generally have hair loss is a natural thing to happen, but if you are experiencing hair loss are numerous and persistent, it is necessary to know more about the cause.

Hair loss

Causes of hair loss

Hair falling out excessively can make a person feel less confident. Most hair loss experienced by women. Here are some things that can cause hair loss
1. Hormone Disorders
There are several hormones that can of cause of hair loss, androgenetic alopecia which hormones, hormone Dihydro Testosterone (DHT), and Hormone Alopecia Areata. Hair loss can occur due to hormonal disorder androgenetic alopecia. This hormone is the cause of baldness is the most common, with a percentage of 70% in men and 40% in women. Baldness because this hormone is a hereditary disease caused by an increase in the genetic sensitivity of hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
While Hormone Alopecia Areata is a hormone disorder that mengakibtkan become bald hair. This hormone diakibatan by a disease called autonium. In this condition, generally occur in teenagers and young adults. However kerontontokan of this type will not be permanent, which means the hair will grow back after one year. There are several diseases that can cause alopecia areata such as diabetes, anemia, thyroid disease, vitiligo and persinius. In addition to the causes of hair loss in women is usually at the time of entering the monopouse, pregnancy as well as the effect of the use of contraceptives.
2. Use of Chemicals
Hair care too excessive with the use of chemicals to be one cause of hair loss. Hair coloring is all too often and using excessive doses can lead to hair damage. Therefore, peruse before coloring the hair. In addition to the chemicals used in the process of straightening hair or rebounding. The process of hair habitation for 30 minutes in hair straightening exacerbated the loss that will be experienced by the hair.
3. Effect of Nutrition and Vitamins
The cause of severe hair loss can then occur due to the influence of nutrients and vitamins. The scalp is the place where hair growth and hair roots attached. So health should be maintained with adequate nutrition. Intake of nutrients and vitamins that are less easily cause hair to fall out. Hair loss occurs because the hair that grows thin and becomes easily fragile. Therefore, the balance of food with attention to nutrition and vitamins are very important and can cope with hair loss.
4. Drug Side Effects
There are several medications that have side effects to hair loss. Among which is a drug used to treat depression, blood thinners, chemotherapy drugs, and contraception. Loss will be reduced if the drug use is stopped.
5. Equipment Hairdresser
To support the appearance in order to always look beautiful, women are usually willing to spend long hours at the salon. Though treatments using the tool pencatokan and curling bad for hair. Tool vise used close to the scalp thus making the hair roots become dry and broken hair faster. While the tool curly hair wrapped around the appliance and makes the hair roots are interested in so the hair becomes cracked and branched. Another tool that is often used is a hair dryer or hair dryer. Use of this tool is too often lead to hair becomes dry quickly and makes the hair root becomes broken so that loss occurs sooner.
6. Emotional Disorders
Loss can occur when a person is depressed or experiencing excessive stress. When someone is stressed then that will happen is the muscle nerves in the head stiffened. Muscle strained nerves in the head can cause nerve root hairs weakened. At the time of the nerve roots weakened hair loss then it can happen.
7. Too Toned Hair Meikat
For women usually tie your hair done to beautify the appearance. However, it should be considered weak or strong bonds are created. The hair is tied tightly causes hair roots interested. This is what makes the loss. If you want to tie your hair with a strong presentation should last no more than two hours. Due to a strong bond not only cause hair loss but also a headache.
8. Sunlight And Pollution
Quoted from Wikipedia, sunlight or solar radiation has good benefits for our body but it is inevitable, if it is too long in the sun can lead to various diseases one of them declining health in our hair, namely that resulted in a reduction in hair keratin. Keratin is a protein that is in the hair, nails and teeth in humans. Functions for hair keratin is to maintain healthy hair to keep them shiny.
9. Rarely Keramas
Hair loss can also be caused due to infrequent shampooing. The hair will be greasy and too humid. It makes the hair to fall out, when their sun exposure, which makes hair mixed with sweat. Then there is the hair on the scalp can be absorbed by hair follicles and cause hair to become limp. In addition, at the time of shampooing usahan not too tight rub his head. It may damage the hair follicles, because it can also cause hair to fall.

HOW TO OVERCOME severe hair loss

Hair loss is not as difficult as we imagine. You can do a time when leisure time at home. Hair loss home more secure and cost-effective compared to spend hundreds of thousands to once disalon treatment with materials that you yourself do not know exactly what it implies. Here are some ways to reduce hair loss:
  1. The breakfast, at breakfast should consume foods rich in protein, nutrients, and vitamins that are good for the body and hair. Lack of protein such as (red meat, eggs, chicken, etc.) can inhibit the growth of hair keratin. Therefore if any of you who like a lazy breakfast, good from now try to not skip meals this morning.
  2. Olive Oil / Olive Oil, to treat hair loss with olive oil is easy enough. Pour olive oil in 1 tablespoon at least 30 minutes before shampooing, apply olive oil from root to tip of the hair while massaging for approximately 2-4 minutes slowly. After that did wash as usual using shampoo to clean.
  3. Hazelnut oil, this oil for hair loss in antiquity. but now does not need to be difficult to look for it, many products hazelnut oil on the market. how to use it so easily is drops of hazelnut oil into the palm of the hand, then rubbed into the hair, leave 1-2jam he massaged gently, then wipe to clean disposable shampoo.
  4. Aloe Vera, its very easy way. You only take one piece of aloe vera and use the inside or the meat and rub aloe vera on the hair until evenly distributed. Leave for about 15-25 minutes and then you can clean the hair with a shampoo with clean water. At the time of shampooing is advisable to use running water.
Actually there are many ways to overcome hair loss, but in this way you can also do without the expensive cost and highly effective when performed routinely and regularly.
That's some explanation of the causes of hair loss and how to cope, may be useful for the readers who have hair loss problems in significant amounts. Continue to visit this site and we will provide information about health berkal.

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