June 2016 | Health and Beauty

Thursday 30 June 2016

Abstinence Heartburn

Abstinence Heartburn is a sign bahwasannya for people with high stomach acid, are not allowed to eat any menu. It is feared gastric organ experiencing this condition is getting worse. It must be selective where nice and absence.

Actually, many different types of food that should be avoided are:

Chewing gum, although sound trivial stomach turns problematic patients chew it will be increasingly in pain. Certain substances in materials candy stimulated acid concentration.

Food or drink too much gas and fiber:

Kedondong (dried fruit), jackfruit, durian, pineapple, mango young Mustard greens, cabbage Soft drink

Food affects the lower esophageal valve resulting acid liquid rises: fried foods, chocolate, curry.

Stodgy dented gastric emptying such as: cheese, cake, fatty foods.

Direct screwed wall (mucosa) of the stomach: pepper, vinegar, spicy.

Stimulate more acid: coffee, white wine, full cream milk, citrus fruit juices.


Sources of carbohydrates include: dodol, glutinous rice, vermicelli, noodles, taro, bulgur, corn.

Compounds containing alcohol: candied fruit, cassava, sticky tape.

Well, if the above restrictions are ignored, it is not impossible incredible pain accompany yourself. Talking about how to resolve the complaint, are advised to use an alternative. Because even though the chemical treatment reacted quickly, but it's not up to the source or root of the disorder. Medicinal chemistry is simply to minimize the signs of full recovery refers instead.

The other hand, traditional medicines are sourced pure nature can provide effectiveness. Various scientific studies reveal whether the world herb leaves, roots, stems of a plant has been clinically proven efficacy. The experts found a number of substances that play a role in blood circulation, stop inflammation, stabilize emotions, suppress pain and so on. Specifically address the inflammation, stomach ulcers same attack.

Modern times present a company engaged in the pharmaceutical field. Taking the herbal composition, managed to make a quality product by experts. Marketing reach 20 countries. No responsibility, management also pocketed international eligibility solely purifying ingredient blend that is always predicated top.

How to Avoid Breast Cancer Through Food

How to Avoid Breast Cancer Through food right? Here you simply listen carefully. Problems related to breast cancer is frightening women.

Therefore to get rid of that so far the day should be declared healthy lifestyle. Basically, there are factors that lead to why women may develop bad habits, namely, genetic or parental history, and carcinogens. Some people believe by eating certain foods can reduce the effects of cancer cells.

Researchers also mentioned there are foods that act like:

Varian processed soybeans for example, edamame beans, tofu, miso, soy milk is rich in phytoestrogens. National Cancer Institute in the United States detected that women with a diet rich in soya less risk of developing breast cancer compared with those who follow a low soya.

Vegetables are included in this group is known for its content of glucosinolates, the content of sulfur chemicals that cause a bitter taste and strong aroma of the cruciferous family of vegetables. The resulting chemical content can help prevent the risk of cancer. Vegetables are included in this group are garlic, onions, cabbage.

Olive oil is rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients. Antioxidants famous reduces oxidation in the body that can cause free radicals to trigger cancer.

Lutein and Zeaxanthin are found in green leafy vegetables such as spinach and cabbage help prevent the risk of breast cancer.

Research results show that women who eat polyunsaturated fatty acids from fish such as salmon and tuna less risk of getting cancer.

Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins and antioxidants, vitamin C, E, and folic acid. Try to keep eating fruits and vegetables per day minimum 400gram.
May be useful.


Everyone must have known snacks called chocolate. For those who never ate it certainly will feel hooked want to try it again and again. Not only tastes sweet, it turns out chocolate is also very effective for relieving stress . Chocolate is generally given as a gift or gifts at the feast. With the form, style, and unique flavors, chocolate is often used as an expression of gratitude, sympathy or attention even as a declaration of love. Chocolate also has become one of the most popular flavors in the world, as well as chocolate bars most commonly consumed, chocolate is also the subject of warm and cold drinks.

If eaten in excess chocolate will certainly make the body become fatter because chocolate contains fat, but if taken with a sufficient portion based on a count of calorie intake needed by our bodies, then the result is that we will get a healthy body is awake.

Women are also vulnerable to stress, they will be depressed even for the most simple problems. Moreover, if in a state of PMS or premenstrual, cramping abdominal pain, mood changing and also various bodies excruciating pain. Not to mention the period of pregnancy, women will feel very depressed with various kinds of mind. Whether it's mind about pregnancy they have experienced, or are also various kinds of fears pregnancy.

Chocolate is the name for the processed food or drink from the cocoa bean (Theobroma cacao). Chocolate was first consumed by the inhabitants of ancient Mesoamerica as a beverage. Actually msih chocolate taste is hard to define. Based on the book The Emperor Chocolate (Emperors Of Chocolate), Joel Glenn Brenner describes the latest research on taste. According to the taste of chocolate is created from a mixture of 1,200 kinds of substances, without any one flavor that is clearly dominant. Most of the substances it feels very uncomfortable when standing alone. Therefore, until now no imitation chocolate flavor.

Psychological effects occur when enjoying the chocolate due to the melting point of the cocoa fat is located slightly below the normal temperature of the human body. As an illustration, if you eat a piece of chocolate, the fat of the chocolate will melt in the mouth. Lumernya cocoa fat raises the typical soft taste in the mouth that makes the body becomes relaxed.

In the chocolate there are compounds that cause the chocolate flavor that feels good on your tongue for Chocolate contains alkaloids such as theobromine, fenetilamina, and anandamida, which have physiological effects on the body. The contents have been linked to serotonin levels in the brain. According to scientists chocolate is eaten in normal amounts regularly can lower blood pressure. Dark chocolate lately a lot to get a promotion because of health benefits when consumed in moderation, including the content of anti-oxidant that reduces the formation of free radicals in the body.

That is the reason why chocolate can relieve stress. May be useful for all readers. Continue to visit this site https://health-beauty5.blogspot.com and we will provide health-related information on a regular basis.


Oily skin is synonymous with dull and shiny faces. Almost the majority of women think oily skin is a problem. Because, those who have oily skin prone to acne and black spots. Apparently there is an inexpensive way to reduce oil on the face with star fruit. How is its utilization? How powerful? Check out this article that I got

Every human being has different skin types, ie dry skin, normal to oily. Human skin consists of several layers, starting from the outermost layer of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous layer.

Leather is also made up of a network of support, such as sweat glands which controls body temperature.

In addition, the skin also has oil glands that produce sebum so skin will be moist, chewy, and not easily wrinkled.

Excessive production of oil glands will make your skin oily.

Causes of oily skin consists of two types of fat that exist in the human body, namely blood lipids and fat depots.

Blood lipids are fats associated with blood and blood circulation follow. term HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) or high density blood lipids and LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) or fat-forming low-density blood cholesterol. Often blood fats out of the body through the pores of the skin in liquid form in the form of oil.

Depot fat is fat that is stored under the skin, which can be known as the fat or lard. Someone who has a blood fats in a number high enough, do not automatically get fat.

Symptoms of patients with high fat and her hair is always oily and acne, dandruff is also risky, because dandruff is a fungus that grows on a greasy spot.


To reduce or eliminate the fat in the face could use natural ingredients which work by shrinking the pores of the skin so the blood fats in the blood in the form of oil out of difficult to break through the skin.

Material pore reducers known as astringent.

Some natural ingredients that are astringent are: wood Rapet (Parameria barbata), the crown of the god (Phaleria macrocarpa), and betel nut (Areca catechu).

Another way is to use a facial cleanser ingredients such as soap, milk cleanser and facial foam. Can also use a neutralizing fluid rubbed on the face (external use) eg: dilute tamarind (Tamarindus Indica, dilute lemon juice (Citrus Aurontifolius) and tomato fruit (Lycopersicum Tomatum).


Star fruit is believed to reduce the oil on the face. Yellow-green fruit that is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants. By eating fruit lingir starfruit (Averrhoa Carambola) and kitchen starfruit (Averrhoa Bilimbi) that tastes sour is considered to cope with oily skin. Because leatherback contain lots of water and the acid so it is good to clean the excess oil on the face.

Acid on star fruit also contains many antioxidants that are beneficial for good skin from free radicals.

In addition to the niacin content of starfruit is useful for lowering blood lipids, allergy of the body and lowering blood sugar. The content of zinc (zinc) in leatherback beneficial to lower blood fat, prevent acne and prevent dandruff fungus.

While the calcium content is useful to enable the other compounds of other compounds to activate fat-forming blood cholesterol.

Sinapat acid as an antioxidant.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) aim to enable other compounds to lower blood fat-forming cholesterol, antioxidants, and immune control.

Citric acid content which can make the body tends to sour the atmosphere.


Here's how:1. Squeeze out the water until the star fruit star fruit juice, or a thin slice star fruit.2. Water or juice and sliced ​​starfruit starfruit starch added to the facial skin for 15 minutes.3. For maximum results use 2 days. Efficacy will feel after using for 2 weeks.In addition to applying to the face, the properties of star fruit can also be obtained if you eat star fruit every day. No side effects from the use of star fruit, but for sensitive skin, injured or irritated avoid its use because of its acid content will cause the skin to burn.


Oil content is also needed skin. Sebaceous glands produce oil which is useful to lubricate the skin and maintain skin moisture. But, if too oily facial skin becomes dull. The following tips:

1. Washing your face may be an easy way to remove the oil. But if too frequent washing of the face it could lead to reactive seborrhea which would eliminate the sebum, so the skin will become dry, scaly, and itchy.

2. Once a day just washing your face with a gentle foaming soap is enough to remove excess oil, while the moisture that protect the skin is still maintained.

3. Diet becomes a big problem in the problem of oily skin, because most people who diet because of less intake of food and beverages, making the skin becomes dry. For that time the diet should be kept drinking lots of water.

4. There are people who want to eliminate the oil level at all with harsh soaps that hard alkali solution. In fact, how this would lead to unhealthy skin and even cause skin more oily.

5. If you want to find a facial soap that contains no chemicals, you should avoid soaps that contain alcohol. Choose a natural-based soap such as olive, almond or avocado which has a function in the absorption and will help turn the skin and maintain skin moisture.

6. Limiting eating spicy foods to reduce the oil content in the face.

7. Avoiding exposure to heat air directly as well as clean your face with soap or milk cleanser.

8. Using the appropriate cosmetics for oily skin.

Sunday 26 June 2016

Preventing Dry Lips And Broken

health-beauty5.blogspot.com. Lips is one part of the face. The lips are attractive and healthy will support the beauty of the face. Healthy lips must always be maintained. Problems that commonly occur on the lips are dry lips and chapped. This certainly can damage the beauty of the face. Lips ruptured vulnerable and likely to cause pain. If this condition is not treated, it can cause infection of the lips. For women, a split lip making lipstick that is used does not stick well so that it can interfere with performance. Therefore, what are the causes of dry lips and chapped? Then how prevention dry lips and chapped?

In order to overcome the problem of dry lips and chapped, we need to know what are the causes of dry lips and chapped. The causes are as follows:

· Air pollution and dust
· Changes in temperature can make your lips can not adapt, causing a split lip
· Food that is too acidic or salty
· Smoking, drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages
· Inadequate consumption of fruits or vegetables
· Lack of drinking water
· Using a chemical cosmetics too hard or because of allergies to certain cosmetics
· Toothpaste that contains a lot of detergent
· The habit of licking his lips with saliva

After knowing the cause dry and cracked lips, we should take precautions so that we do not feel torn lips can make us less confident. Some ways to prevent dry and cracked lips are as follows:

Use lipbalm containing sunscreen and moisturizer

Sunlight is one of the factors that causes dry lips use sunscreen on the lips is important. Likewise with the necessary moisturizers to damp lips stay awake during the day activities.

Select the appropriate lipstick and moisturizing

When buying cosmetics, note its contents. Select cosmetics or lipstick that contains emollient and made from natural and moisturizing.
Wet your lips feel dry when the water

Do not wet her lips by licking her lips, because the glands and saliva are enzymes that can irritate the lips so that the lips will be dry. Just use water or drink a glass of water to wet her lips.

Drink 8 glasses of water a day

This will prevent dehydration which can make the lips become dry.

Immediately clean the rest of lipstick before going to bed

Time lipstick can be cleaned using a soft toothbrush and scrub brush my lips to lips with a circular motion for several minutes. Can also use a soft towel dipped in warm water to clean the lips.

Fruit and vegetable consumption

Choose vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C, B, E and minerals. The water content contained in the lips also helps the body avoid dehydration. Regarding why the beneficial fruit and any content in the fruit, you can read in the article: Consumption of Fruit for Health

Stay away from the lifestyle of smoking or drinking alcohol

The chemicals contained in cigarettes can cause black color on the lips. While alcohol may make dehydration resulting lips become dry.

Apply a lip moisturizer at night before bed

In addition to using a lip balm sold, you can use honey as a natural moisturizer that can provide nutrients to the lips.

Doing massage lips with olive oil

Massage will help circulation in the lips to be smooth so lips stay healthy. You can also use olive oil for basting on the lips while massaging your lips.

By knowing the cause of the problem of dry lips and chapped and how to prevent it, would you pay more attention to the tiny organs in your face this. Fascinating and beautiful face will be yours.

Tips - Tips In Face-Up

health-beauty5.blogspot.com. - In applying makeup sometimes there are constraints to get a perfect result. Ranging from improving the appearance of the eyebrows, eyes, cheeks, nose, or mouth takes some tricks that result as desired. Another obstacle is how to makeup does not fade quickly. Apparently, there is a trick that is practical to get the perfect makeup.

Make Up Tips

Some practical tips and tricks that you can try to get a beautiful face, among others:

· Application powder Perfectly

So that the skin look smoother, use a water-based moisturizer before using foundation. Then determine the thickness of the powder that you want to use. For makeup to a party who wants to look thicker can use a sponge that is applied by way of being patted on the face and ending with a brush. Conversely, for everyday makeup that is natural, can use the powder with a brush.

· Closing spots or All Spots Whitening

Concealer serves to cover acne scars or blemishes on the face. Color concealer should be the same as the color of the powder so that the face is not visible streaks. Liquid Concealer be the most easy to use and can shut down evenly. If you use a concealer stick-shaped, the way is by applying it first to the ring finger and colekkan on the face. It will close with more subtle than directly applying concealer sticks on blemishes.

· Neat and Shown Natural Eyebrow

Previously, trim eyebrow shape so as not to fall apart. To get the perfect eyebrow shape, you can use an eyebrow pencil to draw assistance. When using an eyebrow pencil, use a pencil with a pointed end and a soft part in not pressed so that the result is not too thick. Brush eyebrows and to stay organized, spray a little hair spray on the eyebrow brush and then brush back eyebrow.

· Makes lashes flicks

If lazy to use false eyelashes, you can try this practical way. Pinch eyelashes using an eyelash curler. Use mascara on the lashes from the base to the tip of the lashes, then dip the brush mascara with talc powder and used again to sweep your lashes. The lashes will look slender and thick.

· Long Lasting Eyeliner

Eyeliner is used to reinforce the shape of the eyes and make the eyes look sharp. Eyeliner melting because of the heat or have too long will ruin the appearance. How to get eyeliner can last longer is to use a moisturizer eye, then use concealer. Furthermore, it can use a pencil-shaped new eyeliner lined with liquid eyeliner to get more assertive colors.

· Remove Tired Eyes

Lack of sleep is the cause of the bottom of the eye looks dark. How to outsmart is to use a white eye liner on the inside of the lower lash line. Do not use excessively on the base and tip of the eye so that the display does not look overdone.

· Overcome slanted eyes

To get the effect of eyes look larger, the trick is to use scotch tape to create the impression of the crease of the eye and apply dark colors on the eyes. Use eye shadow colors black, gray, brown or purple may be the right choice. As a complement, use false eyelashes with thin hair.

· Make Nose Look Mancung

Create a shadow or shading on the nose will create a sharp impression. How to create shading so as not to look too much or made-up look is to blend shading thinly. Previously, specify the sharp effect to generate. If shading the longer to the base of the nose, then the effect mancungnya more visible. Before using shading, use top-tinted moisturizer first and end with the powder in Dhading lines that blend in perfectly with the face.

· Blush On Durable

Blush or blusher will make the face look more fresh. If you do not have time to apply numerous times and want face look stays fresh until the evening, use the following method in order to blush long survive in the face. First, use a tinted moisturizer on the entire face. Second, use the form of cream blusher. Third, coat with the foundation. Fourth, using solid powder or powder. Fifth, use blusher powder form as the end.

· Dry lips

For the problem of dry lips and chapped, the trick is to use a lip balm before applying lipstick.

· Lip Color Dark

If the lips are dark, solution is to use a dark color lipstick first, then apply with a foundation and then use a lipstick with the desired color and can add gloss.

· Long Lasting Lipstick

In order to remain visible lip color with shades of lipstick, lip trick is to frame the same color then brush lipstick as usual, put on a tissue and dab the lips with a bit of powder, then apply lipstick back.
You can try a handy trick above to improve performance and overcome obstacles that you might find the time to put on makeup.

Do You Want Sensual lips ?? Try These Tips For Selecting Lipstick

health-beauty5.blogspot.com. As a woman certainly very eager to look beautiful and appear what but still want to highlight one side of her face. One of the things that most often makes people especially teenagers today interesting is the very sensual lips, the lips do not worry because it will make us more attractive compared with using lipstick at all.

For women who are not accustomed to buying lipstick then there are some tips that can make the look of lipstick we become increasingly more sensual and also more interesting. Do not worry because some of these tips are a few of these tips include:

  1. The color red, for those wishing to use the color red lipstick then one of the tips is to use this lipstick which is very good for the skin white.
  2. Skin color was, for those who have skin color was indeed going to make us easily choose lipstick color is bright like the color pink.
  3. Brown skin, for those who have this skin tone then it is better to use lipstick color is not too bright as using the color orange.
  4. Blacks, for which skin color is good to use dark red color and stay away from the color pink.

All this is going to be very helpful especially for those who do not have a collection of lipstick that much and still confused how to choose a lipstick, it is better if we use the lipstick that is consistent with the color of the skin because otherwise it would make our lips will look less natural ,

Usually there are some types of lipstick from several different materials, also make sure that we choose the brand and also the number of lipstick that will greatly influence our all against lipstick color. Make no mistake that the lipstick has become one sweetener for our lips and those of us who do not know to use any color.

Friday 24 June 2016

Tips to Reduce Sugar Consumption

The sweet taste does have a lot of fans, not only small children, even adults particularly enjoyed the sweet taste. The sweet taste is generally sourced from sugar contained in foods or beverages that we consume. But apparently eating too much sugar is not good for health. Many diseases that can arise from consuming excess sugar, such as diabetes, liver damage, tooth decay, to accelerate aging. If you have this we must reduce consumption of sugar in everyday life.

1. Natural Sugar Consumption
Sugar consumption is also needed by the body, especially for energy sources. However, select the consumption of natural sugar derived from fruit, rice, or vegetables. The American Heart Association recommends that women should only consume a maximum additional sugar 6 teaspoons, while men only 9 teaspoons alone.

2. Check Food Labels
Carefully before consuming food, first check the sugar content in it. Various dairy products, yogurt, bread, and other must contain sugar. Do not let foods that contain high sugar we consume freely.

3. Find Sugar Substitutes
Rather than consuming additional sugar, choose the sugar substitute. For example, mix milk with sweet fruits like mango, apple or melon. If you make a cake, replace the sugar with a mixture of dates or raisins. Honey can also be a good choice to replace sugar.

4. Eat And Drink Regularly And Self
Eating and drinking regularly can prevent the desire to eat sweet foods again. Set in such a way that diet stomach was pretty full. Let your body recognize satiety with scheduled.

5. Keep Busy!
Having a busy life will make us forget to continue to consume snacks that are generally sweet. Paratnya routines will be more difficult for us eat extra food beyond eating schedules exist.

6. Shift With Spicy Flavor
Spicy foods can reliably divert the desire to eat sweet foods. If we want to eat or drink sweet, immediately eat foods that tend to be spicy. It will be effective in lowering our desires.

7. Enough Sleep And Sports
Keep your sleep patterns and movement enough. If we get enough rest and have a schedule of regular exercise enough, it will be easier to control the desire to eat sweet foods than those who do not.

Let us try the tips above. Began to control the consumption of sugar early on, the better. Familiarize your tongue on food or beverages that do not have such a sweet tangy flavor will change the pattern of our lives slowly.

Thursday 9 June 2016

Tips redden lips Black

http://health-beauty5.blogspot.com. Until now there are still many people who believe that part of most concern for the men on the face of the second woman after eye is lip. Therefore, some women focus on the beauty care of this example did embroidered lips to get a permanent red color. If you have a problem blackened lips, you can try out how the black redden lips without spending huge funds as embroideries lip care or other medical methods. Here is the information for you.

Redden Lips in Natural

Lips turn dark could happen because of the sun, a mixture of lipstick irritants, smoking, and drinking coffee. Some of these natural ingredients you can try as a solution to the problem

1. Lime
How to redden the lips are black is naturally one of them is to use lemon juice mixed with honey. First, squeeze the lemon to get ektraknya approximately 1 tablespoon, then mixed with pure honey to taste. Stir until evenly herbs and rub on your lips. Let stand for a moment and then lip cleaned with warm water. Perform routine until the lip color to red back.

2. Turmeric

To create a concoction of turmeric, you need a mixture of turmeric powder pure without that you can get at the pharmacy. Mix turmeric powder with liquid cow's milk to taste and stir until the pasta. Apply it on your lips and leave it as the recipe 1. If pasta was dry, wash with warm water.

3. Coriander leaves

Cilantro can be a potent natural recipe to make red lip color back. The trick, mashed cilantro to taste until smooth, then apply on your lips. When you have a bit dry immediately rinse with warm water.

4. Almond Oil

Blackened lips can be triggered due to lack of moisture on your lips. You live this rubbing almond oil on your lips and silence for a while. After the lip can be cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

5. Natural Scrub

In addition to the skin, the lips also need discrub regularly to remove dead skin cells and impurities. The trick, you can make a mixture of materials lime juice or lemon juice mixed with a little sugar. Spread herb on the lips, then rub gently using cottonbud. Finally, clean the herb with warm water. You will feel your lips become softer and moist.

In addition to implementing ways redden the lips are black on top, remove the bad habit of licking or biting his lip. Saliva contains enzymes that function to digest the food and its impact on your lips is cause the lips to dry. Well, hopefully add insight.

Tips redden lips in Natural Black.

http://health-beauty5.blogspot.com. Do not worry if you do not have perfect lips, the tips below, your lips always look beautiful and gorgeous. Previously you can also read 5 Ways redden lips in Natural Black.

Here are 5 types of lips that suits your lips, so please read and consider the natural beauty of our tips below.

1. Thin Lips

For thin lips can make it look thicker by using a bold lipstick with the lower lip. However, if you do not want to have too much of a difference, you have to draw approximately 1-1,5mm encroachment of focus on the lips. After the new expanded phase of the lips and the base layer gently.

This not only helps to erase the boundary between the skin and the lips but also helps lipstick on a standard color. After all this preparation, now you just need to apply the top layer using a new lip gloss with your favorite colors.

Note: This type of lipstick with bright colors will make a bold impression on the lips.

2. Thick Lips

Makeup for thick lips always require sophistication in choosing colors and how to wear lipstick. Thus, when drawing lips, your lips should be pulled down. This will create a small lip to be small. If you choose to lip gloss, it will make your lips thicker, so do not use lip gloss if you have thick lips.

In this way the people around him do not feel that you have thick lips, others will only notice the lipstick and lip area, therefore you have to wear dark lipstick and bright when going out.

Note: The appropriate type for the lips are thick with bold colors like red, pink, purple.

3. Lip Pale

Pale lips will make you become lifeless, therefore, to make it more interesting, before using lipstick, apply a base layer or concealer on the lips, then using lipstick. You can do so, the lips become smooth and the colors look sharper.

Note: The gold color like red, purple ... suitable for people with conditions pale lips. Do not use the color pink or gloss because it will increase the counter of the lips.

4. Small Lips

A small lips will make your face become skewed. Therefore, to increase the use of lipstick on the area of ​​the lips, focus on lip liner on the width and length. This will give you a feel lips bigger, more glamorous. Do not forget to cover the lips and the area of ​​the base layer for the lip color looks beautiful.

Note: For women with small lips, equip themselves with shadow and bright lipstick, avoid using dark colors.

5. Lip Defects

Lips lipstick is hard to penetrate, so before applying lipstick, concealer thin coat around your lip surface. However, to soften the lips easily you can use the powder on it. You also have to choose a lighter color like the color of lipstick 1 tone. This will help cover defects evenly on the lips.

Note: You should choose dark colors like red, purple, brown because of the bright colors can accentuate the lip defect.

So that we can pass on tips to help you have the perfect lips, hopefully can keep you beautiful every day.

Prayer Movement for Health Benefits

1. Create Smart prostration

Prayer is the practice of worship of the most proportionately to the anatomy of the human body. His movements have been very attached to the gesture (the typical movements of the body) a Muslim. However, have you ever thought about the benefits of each movement? Scientific point of view makes prayer drug warehouses for various types of diseases!

When a slave has enough condition to establish the prayer, since that he began to probe its meaning and benefits. Because prayer lowered to enhance its facilities for human life. After so many years of running the prayers, the extent to which our understanding about it?

2. takbiratul Ihram

Posture: upright, raised both arms parallel to the ear, and then folded in front of the abdomen or lower chest.

Benefits: This movement is blood flow, lymph (lymph) and arm muscle strength. The position of the heart below the brain allows blood to flow smoothly throughout the body. When held up both hands, stretching the shoulder muscles so that the flow of oxygen-rich blood to be smooth. Then the hands didekapkan in front of the abdomen or lower chest. This avoids the attitude of various joint problems, especially in the upper body.

3. bow

Posture: the perfect Ruku marked a straight spine so when placed in a glass of water on the back will not be spilled. Head position with the spine straight. Benefits: This posture is to maintain the perfection of the position and function of the spine (vertebrae corpus) as a buffer body and nerve centers. Heart position parallel to the brain, the maximal blood flow in the middle of the body. Hand resting on the knee function of relaxation for the muscles of the shoulder to the bottom. In addition, the bow is bladder training to prevent disruption of the prostate.

4. i'tidal

Posture: Wake up from the bow, the body back upright after, raised both hands as high as the ears. Benefits: Ftidal is a variation of posture after bowing and before prostration. The motion stood hunched standing bow down is exercise good digestion. Digestive organs in the abdomen experienced massage and relaxation alternately. In effect, the digestion becomes more smoothly.

5. prostration

Posture: menungging by putting both hands, knees, toes, and forehead on the floor. Benefits: lymph flow pumped into the neck and armpits. The position of the heart over the brain causes oxygen-rich blood can flow up to the brain. This flow effect on a person's thinking. Therefore, do prostrations with tuma'ninah, do not hurry hurry sufficient capacity so that the blood in the brain. This posture is also avoiding disruption of hemorrhoids. Especially for women, both bowing and prostrating to have tremendous benefits for fertility and health of the female organs.


Posture: Sitting there are two kinds, namely iftirosy (tahiyyat early) and tawarruk (tahiyyat end). The difference lies in the position of the feet. Benefits: When iftirosy, we rely on the groin that are connected with nerve nerve Ischiadius. This position to avoid pain in the groin that often causes the sufferer unable to walk. Sitting tawarruk very good for men because the heel to suppress your bladder (urethra), male sex glands (prostate) and channel vas deferens. If done. correctly, posture IRFI prevent impotence. Variations in the position of the feet on iffirosy and tawarruk helped cause the entire limb muscles stretched and then relaxed again. Harmonic motion and pressure is keeping. flexibility and strength of our movement organs.


Movement: Rotate the head to the right and left to the fullest.
Benefits: muscle relaxation around the neck and head improve blood flow in the head. This movement to prevent headaches and keep the facial skin firmness.

WORSHIP manner, continuous not only nourish the faith, but women beautify themselves inside and out.


Movement of prostration in prayer is unique. His philosophy is a human being subjecting themselves as low, even lower than his own ass. From the viewpoint of science of psychoneuroimmunology (science on immune from the psychological point of view) that explored Professor Sholeh, this movement of human usher in the highest degree. Why? With the motion of prostration regularly, the blood vessels in the brain is trained to accept a lot of blood supply. At the time of prostration, cardiac position is above the head yamg allow maximum blood flow to the brain. That means, the brain get oxygen-rich blood supply that stimulate the cells. In other words, prostration which could spur tumakninah and continuous intelligence.

His research has received recognition from Harvard Universitry, USA. Even an American doctor who did not know states converted to Islam after secretly conducted research specific development of the motion of prostration.


Movements in the prayer-like yoga or stretching (stretching). The point is to flex the body and blood circulation. The advantages compared to other movements prayers are prayers move the limb more, including the toes and fingers.

Prostration is strength training exercises for certain muscles, including chest muscle. When prostration, load ditumpukan upper body to the arms until the palms. This is when contractions occur in the chest muscles, the body that became the pride of women. Breasts not only become more beautiful shape, but also improve the function of the milk glands in it.

Make it easy LABOUR

Still in prostration pose, other benefits can be enjoyed by women. When the hips and waist lifted beyond the head and chest, abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis and obliquus abdominis externuus) full contract. This condition is trained around the abdominal organs to push deeper and longer. This benefit women in labor because it takes good breathing and pushing capabilities sufficient. When the abdominal muscles have evolved to become bigger and stronger, so naturally he was more elastic. Prostrate habit causes the body to restore and maintain the abdominal organs back into place (fixation).


After a prostration is sitting movement. In prayer there are two kinds of posture, which sits iftirosy (tahiyyat early) and sat tawarruk (tahiyyat end). Most important is the co berkontraksinya muscles perineal region. For women, this is the most protected area because there are three holes, which burrows persenggamaan, rectum to remove feces, and urinary tract.

When sitting tawarruk, left foot heel should press the perineum. Instep should be placed on the left foot and right foot heel should press the right groin. In this position the heel of left foot will be massaged and pressed the perineal region. This gentle pressure repair reproductive organs in the perineal area.


Basically, the entire movement aimed at rejuvenating the body's prayers. If the body is supple, the skin cell damage and little happens. Moreover, if done regularly, then the damaged cells that can be immediately replaced. Regeneration was conducted smoothly. As a result, the body always fit.

Last movement, which regards and look left and right have a major influence on firmness. face skin. This movement is like the face and neck relaxation. Equally important, this movement prevent women from attacks of migraine and other headaches.

Thus my brother who kumuliakan, good luck with all his future goals, hopefully in happiness always,

Wallahu a’lam

NB: In order for our prayers to function as the above course we first have to understand the science of prayer from start procedure prayer, requirements, pillars, circumcision, makruh, null and fadhilah prayer. It's an impossible thing is something we can achieve in practice only when we are still not in accordance with what it should be. We should learn to pray systematically

Manfaat Puasa untuk Kesehatan

http://health-beauty5.blogspot.com Manfaat puasa bagi kesehatan sudah tidak diragukan lagi dapat membantu berbagai masalah kesehatan hingga berbagai kepentingan lain untuk tubuh manusia. Dengan melakukan puasa ada banyak mukjizat yang dapat kita peroleh baik untuk diri kita sendiri, untuk agama, dan untuk orang lain.

Bagi Kesehatan
  1. Puasa dapat menurunkan berat badan
  2. Puasa dapat mencegah diabetes
  3. Puasa dapat mengobati kita dari diabetes
  4. Membantu menjaga kesehatan jantung
  5. Meningkatkan konsentrasi
  6. Meningkatkan fungsi otak
  7. Mengeluarkan racun dalam tubuh manusia
  8. Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh manusia
  9. Mengatasi kelainan sendi dan otot
  10. Memperbaiki performa seksual
  11. Mengatasi masalah peradangan
  12. Pola pikir yang lebih tajam
  13. Meningkatkan pembakaran lemak
  14. Melatih kebiasaan diet
  15. Mengurangi asupan makanan berbahaya bagi kesehatan
  16. Mencegah penyakit kelainan mental
  17. Menyehatkan ginjal
  18. Menurunkan adrenalin
  19. Mengurangi darah tinggi
  20. Membantu kinerja sel dalam tubuh
Aspek Psikologis, Sosial dan Agama
  1. Menjadi lebih dewasa
  2. Membantu melatih dan mengontrol emosi
  3. Di sayangi Allah
  4. Menjalankan perintah agama
  5. Menambah amal ibadah
  6. Belajar menghargai hidup
  7. Belajar bersimpati terhadap semua orang
  8. Membantu menjaga asupan nutrisi dalam tubuh
  9. Menjadi teladan
  10. Menjadi orang yang pantas di hargai
Bagi Lingkungan sekitar dan masyarakat
  1. Layak di sebut teladan
  2. Menjaga ketertiban masyarakat
  3. Membantu memberikan pendidikan agama dengan berpuasa dan menjalankan perintah agama.
  4. Dapat memberikan contoh yang baik bagi orang lain.
Manfaat puasa ada banyak sekali, memasuki bulan ramadhan sebaiknya bagi yang muslim melakukannya secara rutin dan tanpa paksaan.

Tips Untuk Menikmati Tidur Nyenyak di Malam Hari

http://health-beauty5.blogspot.com . Tidur... Merupakan kegiatan yang menyenangkan bagi kebanyakan orang. Saat tidur, kita dapat beristirahat dan merasa lebih segar saat bangun. Waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk tidur bagi orang dewasa berkisar 8 jam setiap hari. Namun, pekerjaan yang menyita waktu, menonton televisi dan hal-hal lain membuat hanya sedikit orang yang benar-benar tidur dalam jangka waktu tersebut.
Ada banyak yang dilakukan saat kita tidur. Saat tidur, tubuh kita juga memperbaiki sel-sel yang rusak dalam tubuh juga membuat pikiran kita menjadi lebih tenang. Kurang tidur dapat menyebabkan emosi yang tidak stabil, lelah, berkurangnya kemampuan berpikir. Sayangnya, banyak orang yang merasa sulit tidur saat malam hari. Walaupun sudah berniat untuk tidur, tapi mata tidak bisa terpejam dan tidak ada rasa kantuk. Bagaimana agar Anda dapat menikmati tidur nyenyak di malam hari?

Jangan makan berlebihan saat malam hari

Usahakan agar makan malam Anda tidak melewati pukul 19.00. Perut yang penuh menyebabkan tubuh masih melakukan proses pencernaan, sehingga tubuh belum beristirahat. Walau bukan makanan berat, kurangi juga konsumsi makanan ringan di malam hari.

Jangan melakukan kegiatan yang menyita mental dan pikiran saat menjelang tidur

Kegiatan atau pekerjaan yang membutuhkan pertimbangan dapat menyebabkan Anda sulit tidur. Perdebatan yang dilakukan malam hari juga menimbulkan efek yang serupa. Jadi, jangan biarkan kegiatan itu dilakukan setelah jam 20.30 malam.

Mandi dengan air panas

Kegiatan ini dapat membuat tubuh lebih rileks sehingga Anda bisa tidur lebih cepat. Mandi dengan air panas ini dapat Anda lakukan 1 jam sebelum tidur.

Minum susu panas

Ini juga dapat membantu tubuh lebih santai dan tidur Anda semakin nyenyak.

Matikan lampu

Saat menjelang tidur, matikan lampu kamar Anda. Bila Anda terbiasa tidur malam dan ingin tidur lebih cepat, maka upayakan agar Anda sudah berada di kamar setengah jam dari waktu yang Anda tentukan, matikan lampu dan cobalah untuk pejamkan mata.

Gunakan wewangian atau musik slow

Anda dapat menggunakan aroma terapi agar lebih tenang. Bila memungkinkan, nyalakan musik slow yang dapat membantu Anda rileks.

Membaca buku

Buku yang dibaca hendaknya bukan buku-buku yang memberatkan pikiran seperti buku cerita romantis. Tetapi, pilihlah buku-buku yang memuat hal-hal yang inspiratif.

Rasakan tubuh Anda

Saat berada di tempat tidur, rasakan tubuh Anda. Ini akan membantu Anda menyadari bahwa Anda telah siap untuk tidur.

Atur napas

Dengan menarik napas dalam dan mengaturnya, Anda dapat terbiasa dan sama dengan saat Anda telah tidur nyenyak.

Tulis Buku Harian (Diary)

Menulis buku harian sebelum tidur juga dapat membuat Anda menikmati tidur yang nyenyak. Dengan menulis buku harian, Anda seolah-olah sedang men-download pikiran Anda dan akan meringankan beban pikiran yang membuat pikiran lebih tenang dan tidurpun menjadi lebih nyenyak.

Selamat menikmati tidur nyenyak Anda!

Tips Diet yang Sehat

http://health-beauty5.blogspot.com. kesehatan atau untuk kecantikan, program diet bisa sangat menyiksa. Anda harus menahan diri untuk menyantap berbagai makanan kesukaan yang lezat dan harus mengurangi porsi makanan sehingga perut kerap menjadi kelaparan. Dengan beberapa trik yang mudah, Anda dapat terhindar dari berbagai keadaan tersebut.
Meskipun baik untuk

Diet Sehat

Dengan langkah-langkah praktis berikut, Anda dapat menjalankan program diet Anda tanpa merasa tersiksa. Apa saja trik diet sehat yang tidak membuat Anda tersiksa?

Minum Air Putih

Minum air dapat mengurangi perasaan lapar, Anda dapat mencoba meminum segelas air putih sebelum tergoda keinginan untuk mengemil. Rasa lapar dapat berkurang dengan konsumsi air putih, hasilnya porsi makan pun berkurang. Selain itu, air putih dapat melarutkan lemak yang ada dalam tubuh sehingga mengkonsumsinya sangat baik untuk kesehatan.

Pajang Makanan Sehat Anda

Meletakkan makanan sehat seperti buah atau sayuran di tempat yang mudah terlihat akan memudahkan Anda untuk menjangkaunya. Misalnya dengan meletakkannya di bagian tengah kulkas, sebaliknya posisi keju, biscuit, minuman soda atau makanan lain yang kaya kalori dapat diletakkan di tempat yang kurang terlihat.

Tambah Makanan Sehat dalam Piring

Coba tambahkan sayuran pada piring Anda. Boleh saja sesekali menikmati makanan di restoran favorit Anda, tetapi jangan lupa pesan seporsi salad sebagai pelengkap. Sayuran kaya akan serat yang mampu membuat Anda tetap merasa kenyang sehingga perut tidak menagih untuk terus diisi.

Nikmati Makanan

Mereka yang suka makan cepat cenderung lebih cepat gemuk. Hal ini disebabkan karena jika manusia makan secara perlahan dan menikmati makanannya, maka akan memberikan cukup banyak waktu agar tubuh dapat memberi sinyal kenyang pada otak sehingga porsi makanan yang dimakan lebih sedikit. Hindari juga makan sambil mengobrol atau menonton televisi. Kebiasaan seperti ini akan membuat Anda makan dalam porsi lebih banyak.

Buat Catatan Makanan

Mencatat makanan apa saja yang telah Anda santap dapat membantu Anda lebih berhati-hati untuk setiap makanan yang akan disantap lagi. Ini juga akan membantu agar tidak "kecolongan" dengan makanan yang tinggi kalori yang masuk dalam tubuh.
Catatan hendaknya dibuat secara akurat dan lengkap. Catat semua yang Anda santap termasuk dalam porsi yang kecil seperti 2 keping biskuit juga semua topping dari makanan yang disantap. Misalnya, saat makan roti, catat topping apa yang dipakai. Catat juga seberapa banyak porsi yang Anda makan. Dengan adanya catatan, dapat dianalisa apa yang kira-kira telah membuat berat badan Anda bertambah.
Yang harus diingat dalam melakukan diet adalah perlunya bersikap realistis. Jangan berharap untuk turun terlalu banyak dalam jangka waktu singkat. Dengan pikiran yang tenang dan menerapkan trik praktis ini dapat membuat Anda tidak takut saat akan melakukan program diet.